My Web Coding Work

This web page highlights my coding skills. It is written in HTML. The images displayed are written in SVG. I coded it all.

Coding this page taught me how to format a document in HTML, add images, and link to them. I learned enough that I can now do this on my own and teach myself as I go.

The mouse on the left was the first SVG image I coded. It taught me how to draw circles and ellipses in SVG.

Click on the image for a larger view.

The monkey on the right was the second SVG image I coded. It was drawn in SVG using circles, ellipses and used a path to draw the curved smile.

Click on the image for a larger view.

The star on the left was my favorite. It taught me how to draw lines that make a curve and how to reuse and rotate objects in SVG.

Click on the image for a larger view.